Montag, 20. Februar 2017

Meine Bücherwelt: Hello again dear friends. I present all 6 books of...

Meine Bücherwelt: Hello again dear friends. I present all 6 books of...: Hello dear friends,  I am happy, because just now my 6th book "Brummi in Berlin" has been published at Amazon. All books are ...

Hello again dear friends. I present all 6 books of "Brummi, the little bear"

Hello dear friends, 

I am happy, because just now my 6th book "Brummi in Berlin" has been published at Amazon. All books are also available as eBooks.
The many beautiful pictures are intended for coloring.
Here you can see all 6 books. I hope you like my adventures. About a review at Amazon I would be very happy.
For children from 4 to 8 years
Brummi, the little bear


The baby bear Brummi and his friends make a long journey in a box, leaving their home in China to find a new one. They travel by lorry, ship and train to their final destination, a big department store in Germany. Because of his curiosity, Brummi experiences many adventures along the way.


Day after day the teddy bears sit in the toy department, excitedly watching the stream of visitors and waiting for a child to choose them. Eagerly they smile at the children. One bear after another is chosen, moves from the sales counter into the arms of a child and leaves the department store. Eventually there is only Brummi and three other bears left. They smile in competition with each other but no one seems to want them. Brummi becomes sadder and sadder and almost gives up hope of ever finding a new home.


After waiting such a long time Brummi finally finds a mother and a wonderful new place where he immediately feels at home. But many things happen and he has to learn a lot. The German language causes him some concern and he really doesn’t like personal hygiene. Will he master everything in this new country with the funny name - Germany?


Brummi learns to swim in a public pool and complains about having to wear water wings - how embarrassing!. He is almost three now and his mother promises that he will soon be old enough to go to Kindergarten. He finds a good friend in Tutu at Kindergarten but she asks him why he does not have a daddy. Although troubled by this, Mum soon puts his mind at rest and assures him that a family without a father is not only half a home.


Brummi is now living in the country with the silly name, Deutschland. He is used to the life here and has learned the language very quickly. He goes to the kindergarten and likes it very much and has made new friends. One day his elder stepsisters and stepbrother visit him. His mother had not talked much about them. It's a little bit strange for him. “Do you think they will love me? Will they accept me?” They bring him a wonderful present. Brummi likes it very much and is so happy. But … just before his sixth birthday his mother tells him a secret. Brummi is very upset and does not want to accept it!


Brummi is not enthusiastic about the news his Mum gives him. She would like to move to Berlin and get married. In addition, he is to get a new step-sister, with the ugly name Brummeline, as well as a new father. He does not want to know anything about a patchwork family and tries to dissuade his mother from the idea. The book tells how he tries to make himself unpopular, and what he does, but all to no avail. With a heavy heart, he says goodbye to Lüneburg, his girlfriend Tutu, and the kindergarten, in which he had been so happy. Many new adventures and problems await him in Berlin, but he would not be Brummi if he did not learn how to cope with them.


Samstag, 11. Februar 2017

Meine Bücherwelt: Hello dear friends, greetings from Brummi, the lit...

Meine Bücherwelt: Hello dear friends, greetings from Brummi, the lit...: Hello dear friends, Today I had a nice day. With Miss Brumma, Tütü, Brummel and Trudi, we looked at pictures from my time in China. I ha...

Hello dear friends, greetings from Brummi, the little bear

Hello dear friends,
Today I had a nice day. With Miss Brumma, Tütü, Brummel and Trudi, we looked at pictures from my time in China. I had already a small bit of homesickness. I like the pictures of the rice fields, the farmers and water carriers very well.
They are as coloring pictures in my first book
Brummi, the little bear.
At Amazon, worldwide. Also in English and Spanish
Dorothee Sargon

I wish you a pleasant Sunday. Take care of yourself.
Brummi, the little bear

Hallo liebe Freunde,
heute hatte ich einen schönen Tag. Mit Fräulein Brumma, Tütü, Brummel und Trudi haben wir uns Bilder aus meiner Zeit in China angeschaut. Seufz ... ein klitzkleines bisschen Heimweh hatte ich da schon. Die Bilder von den Reisfeldern, den Bauern und Wasserträgern gefallen mir besonders gut.
Sie sind als Ausmalbilder in meinem 1. Buch
Brummi, der kleine Bär.
Bei BoD und Amazon, auch in Englisch und Spanisch unter
Dorothee Sargon

Ich wünsche euch einen gemütlichen Sonntag. Passt gut auf euch auf.


Brummi, der kleine Bär    

Hier werden die Reisfelder bestellt.

Ein chinesischer Wasserträger 

In diesem Buch findet ihr die Bilder zum Ausmalen.


Freitag, 10. Februar 2017

Meine Bücherwelt: Ich klappere mal wieder, weil klappern zum Handwer...

Meine Bücherwelt: Ich klappere mal wieder, weil klappern zum Handwer...: Ich klappere mal wieder, weil klappern zum Handwerk gehört.

Ich klappere mal wieder, weil klappern zum Handwerk gehört.

Ich klappere mal wieder, weil klappern zum Handwerk gehört.

 Lustige Geschichten über 'was Frau so alles kann'. 

Man nehme eine Prise Salz, ein Löffelchen Zucker, einen Schuss Essig, einen Esslöffel Humor, mixt ordentlich und schon hat man die richtige Rezeptur, die Lachmuskeln in Schwingung zu versetzen. 

Richtig, Frau Knautsch kennt ihr ja auch noch nicht, die übt nämlich Diplomatie im Eheleben. Genau das richtige Buch fürs Wochenende oder Wartezeiten sinnvoll zu nutzen.

Ich wünsche euch ein erfreuliches und viel Spaß beim Lesen.  

Mittwoch, 8. Februar 2017

Meine Bücherwelt: Hello dear big and small friends! A message from B...

Meine Bücherwelt: Hello dear big and small friends! A message from B...:  Brummi, the little bear! Hello dear big and small friends! Do you really know my books "Brummi, the little bear?" In 6...

Hello dear big and small friends! A message from Brummi, the little bear!

 Brummi, the little bear!

Hello dear big and small friends!
Do you really know my books "Brummi, the little bear?"
In 6 books I tell you my life story.
Book 1 "Brummi on his big trip" 

Book 2 "Brummi in Toyland"
Book 3 "Brummi in his new Home"
Book 4 "Brummi in Kindergarten"
Book 5 "Mutti reveals a Secret"
Book 6 "Brummi in Berlin"

My books with many pictures and ebooks are available in German, English and Spanish all over the world where there is Amazon.

Wish you a great day!
Your Brummi, the little bear

Hallo liebe große und kleine Freunde, kennt ihr eigentlich meine Bücher "Brummi, der kleine Bär?"

In 6 Büchern erzähle ich euch meine Lebensgeschichte.

Buch 1 "Brummi auf großer Fahrt" und "Brummi in einem Kinderkaufhaus in Lüneburg"

Buch 3 "Brummi in seinem neuen Zuhause"

Buch 4 "Brummi im Kindergarten"

Buch 5 "Mutti lüftet ein Geheimnis"

Buch 6 "Brummi in Berlin"

Meine Bücher mit vielen Ausmalbildern und ebooks gibt es in Deutsch, Englisch und Spanisch überall auf der Welt wo es Amazon gibt.

Wünsche euch einen supertollen Tag!

Euer Brummi, der kleine Bär

Sonntag, 5. Februar 2017

Meine Bücherwelt: Es wird mal wieder Zeit, in eigener Sache zu werbe...

Meine Bücherwelt: Es wird mal wieder Zeit, in eigener Sache zu werbe...: Es wird mal wieder Zeit, in eigener Sache zu werben. Ja, klappern gehört zum Handwerk! "Biografien sind eigentlich immer interessa...

Es wird mal wieder Zeit, in eigener Sache zu werben. Ja, klappern gehört zum Handwerk!

Es wird mal wieder Zeit, in eigener Sache zu werben. Ja, klappern gehört zum Handwerk!

"Biografien sind eigentlich immer interessant, man muss sie nur schreiben können! Dorothee Sargon kann es!", schrieb ein Leser.
In "Ein Leben ist für mich nicht genug!" (engl. Titel: I should have been a cat, because ...) habe ich meine Lebenszeit in Jahreszeiten eingeteilt. Von der Geburt bis zum 60. erfahrt Ihr mein abenteuerliches, mit vielen Pflastersteinen geschmücktes Leben.

Die Winterzeit (ab 61) erfahrt ihr in der Fortsetzung: "Arbeitsleben ade! Rentnerleben okay? Hurra, wir gehen nach Espana!" (Engl. Titel "Goodbye Working Life! Hello Retirement! Hurray! We are leaving for Spain."

Weltweit bei Amazon als ebook und Buch unter meinem Namen.